Three Weeks: Part 4, Up the West Side with Wheels!

i really needed road time.  i’m cranky without miles, which is my m.o. being off the bike more than a few days (one reason winter is such a burden).  so, this was the day i headed out to rent from a bike shop.

supportive spouse and i went our separate ways, and i set out to walk the mile from our hotel to the shop.  GPS took me to the market and through post alley (gum alley), along “alaskan way” with a view of the bay, so it was actually quite nice.


stumbling along the cobbles of post alley, i happened on a family-owned craft brewery WITH AN ISETTA!  seriously, if you could have seen my face… oy!  it must have been a cross between utter surprise and absolute awe.  never before have i the pleasure of seeing one “in person.”  the business wasn’t open, but i popped my head in one of their garage bays and called out to anyone in earshot.  a woman came to answer, and she let me walk around inside, snapping pictures like the weirdo tourist i was… utterly in bliss to find this as a first “thing of the day.”  AN ISETTA!!!

a little farther down the alley, a seemingly random art installation, “seattle garden” by anne sperry (1988).


someone left a mug of cereal on the wall of the installation, and we did check it out… for kicks.  i call the above picture “death and cereal in the garden.”  *chortle*

one more from the walk…


once at the shop, the thought of renting a “mandatory” helmet struck me worse than renting bowling shoes, but the thought of having wheels outweighed my gag reflex.  also, the shop keeper introduced “death” to his shop dog (which was adorable) even if the doll was slightly abused…


FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT’S HOLY!  seattle’s hills reminded me of pittsburgh, and the bike lanes were SO BEAUTIFUL!  the first push off the curb felt heaven kissed.  and, yes… that’s dramatic, but so so so true.


first stop was the jimi hendrix statue on broadway, followed by volunteer park, black sun sculpture, seattle asian art museum, and the volunteer park conservatory…


lakeview cemetery!  while not immediately interested in denise levertov’s grave, it was the first i crossed at lakeview cemetery in pursuit of bruce and brandon lee.  when i found the martial arts legend and movie star son, it fulfilled a “bucket list” item from as far back as 1982.  if i’d have died then and there… my life might have been complete.

back on the bike… with the “spite house” up next, i happened down a neighborhood street and “the wishing tree!”  a woman named jane, with a 100+ year-old tree in her front yard, strung the wishes and words of gratitude of passersby!  to me, it was a really neat physical form of “hope and happiness.”  the display was so lighthearted and felt so positive; i sure did leave my own wish with some words of gratitude.  “death” was in on the action, too.  it was a great find right after the bucket list visit “with” bruce and brandon.

the “spite house” was the result of a nasty divorce in the 1920s.  the judge gave the wife the front yard of the couple’s shared property, and perhaps this was to get the two negotiating such that it would lead to talking, which might lead to reconciliation.  who knows.  instead… the wife kept her property and built a house on it, 5′ wide in the back and 10′ wide in the front.  (over dinner, recounting our day, i told supportive spouse… i’d do exactly as the wife did, then got no end of side-eye accusing me of being a “crazy person.”)  🙂  better solution is that we never ever get divorced.  🙂


by the time i made it to the “spite house,” i was beat, without cycling shorts and wearing a sweat-instigating backpack.  not a complaint… just a comment.  i’d still rather have had that day on the bike than anything else.

the tour continues… ad nauseam…

up the west side of the county… over montlake bride at the water “crossroads” of lakes union and washington, just outside the university of washington campus, which… i did take time to visit.  i mean… bruce lee was a philosophy student there back in the 60s.  how could i not?  🙂

blah, blah, blah… yadda… etc… warren magnuson park, the fin project, the NOAA, and “sound garden.”  now, these were tedious for me, not because they weren’t interesting but because i was starving.  making it to the farthest point on my “ride map,” i’d not fueled enough for so many hours out, nor was i carrying enough calories to satisfy the ride back.  still, in hindsight, i’m glad to have ignored the nagging voice in my head that cajoled me into turning around and bailing on these final two points.  that nasty voice… such a quitter.

the fin project is an art installation using the diving plane fins of decomissioned planes, arranged to simulate dorsal fins of whale pods and salmon.  it’s a big deal because magnason park was the former US navy base at sand park, and the art honors the men and women who lived and worked there.

“sound garden,” was perhaps the best stop of the day.  on federal land, wind filters through the steel towers and “sings.”  the time i spent there, it was fortunate the wind was high and the towers made sounds that reminded me of whale calls.

at almost 2:30, i’d been out and about the city and county for approximately 5 1/2 hours.  as the shop closed at 6-pm, and the bike was due back for check in by then, i took off for the return… still with about a dozen stops to cover!

*insert silent move old-time music…*  will she make it, one wonders???

Supportive Spouse

non-cycling share… sort of…

i’m spoiled.  about 10-years ago, supportive spouse said, “if you hate your job, quit it.  just quit.”  and, i did.  the rest is history.  teaching at any level is tough.  little kids are hungry learners.  if left for any bit of time, they find trouble.  it’s part of exploring their world.  what are you gonna do?  beat them?  phht.  back talk?  “sass?”  it’s all normal wear.  this goes for teens, too.  it’s exploration.  the key is patience.  teaching at the university level?  i was surprised to find… it’s true there, too.  the children are just bigger, with more money, more time, and more imagination for trouble.  but… it’s admin that kills good teachers.  and, teacher-on-teacher in-fighting murders spirits.  too many 1st years never make it to tenure because of the politics and problems.  sad.  very sad.  anyway, now… i’d rather stab myself in the eye with a #2 pencil than go back, even to bask in the often-fun, always-energetic ridiculousness.

in the years since my retirement, i’d held this crazy notion that i’m some kind of financial martyr.  “i don’t spend money on myself and i don’t ask for much.”  keenly aware that supportive spouse takes care of everything for both of us.  well… yesterday, dropping trou in the laundry room, on the way in from a ride, i failed to check my pockets.  [(pants + front loader) x hot = disaster].

an hour later… i find… an anniversary gift from supportive spouse… lying broke inside the drum of the machine.  years ago, fresh retail $800, it’s a solitaire tribute to mont blanc, a mozart, small size ballpoint meisterstück.  *sighs*  this is it’s second time through the machine.  second time broken.  second time in need of repair.  *sighs again*

this morning, i wrote, in black sharpie, on the face of the front loader… CHECK POCKETS!!!

in need of the box, registration information, and receipt for repair work, i went through our safe


over the years, since retirement, during the time i’ve claimed to be a financial martyr, supportive spouse has surprised me with 2 watches, 2 bracelets, 5 burgundy and gold pens, 4 black and platinum pens, one rose gold pen (the recent washing machine victim) and 5 leather cases from mont blanc.  additionally, there’s two viscontis and a (yucky, boring) movado museum face (for kicks).

i’m adding up these gifts… thinking about the custom spectrum bike that’s on my horizon in less than 3-mos.  my face is red.

if i ever… and i mean EVER complain about supportive spouse’s comic book collection, i need a good head shaving and a tar and feathering.  also, i realize i am waaaaaay more attracted to shiny things than i’ve ever admitted.  i’m leaving out these boxes of goodies… so there’s a visual for a while… helping me reframe my delusion of financial martyrdom.

meanwhile, i just booked a flight to seattle for emerald city, for supportive spouse.  i think a return gifting’s more than significantly deserved.



non-riding post… sort of:

birds are birding.  bees will soon be bee-ing.  it’s lovely outside.  there’s a praying mantis nest in a shrub, in the yard.  *Sighs*

all of my mints are recovering, as are my lavenders.  i’m waiting now for the bee balm and lemon balm to show signs of life.  they’ll bring pollinators and naturally prevent mosquitos.

soon the hummingbird feeders will go out to their posts, hopefully bringing those little buzzing bodies to the yard.

annnnnnd… i’m about to start winter dog-poop extraction.  after a winter of toiletry, i’m sure to gather a horrible load, or loads.  blech

okay… i fibbed!  there are bicycles in this post.  if only for a moment!  the countdown for DST is active, as is the countdown for spring!  this also means… the countdown for my spectrum is alight!  instead of “a year out,” it’s just “three months” now!

also, my cousin’s son was born this morning!

is that three good things?  more than three?  whoo… after the dark weeks past… these bits of light feel good.  oh!  so does the sun and warm temp today.


Hill Killer Kathleen and Vermont

well!  yesterday “hill killer kathleen” and i got together for lunch.  we observed her 50th birthday, and had some time to visit with one another.  the group ride was cancelled.  something about 20-mph winds and below freezing temps… meh.  as the season’s not yet truly under way, we enjoyed “wheat-based product” lit on fire for the occasion.

IMG_4273 (1).jpg

we also both registered for the “vermont challenge.”  I CAN’T WAIT!  happy birthday to her!  now it’s imperative that i start doing squats and leg presses, so i can keep up with her on hills.  seriously, the woman will bring a fixie to a 3,000-ft climbing ride… to give herself a “better workout.”  i wanna be like her when i “grow up.”  A FIXIE!

last year i attended the vermont challenge with “scorpion susie,” who had a meltdown the very night we arrived.  she verbally abused me so viciously that i had a panic attack.  then, after she “broke me,” she treated me with disdain, like i was an embarrassment for being “weak” and unable to take her abuse.  why the breakdown?  she didn’t like our hotel room.

“scorpion” refused to approach the hotel manager to ask for a change.  i did, and she melted down again, treating both me AND the manager horribly for trying to fix the situation for her.  i can’t think about “scorpion’s” barrage of cursing or her threats or her “i can’t even look at you” screaming statements… without twitching, even now… 6-mos later.  the way she treated me the next morning, as we were supposed to leave for the inaugural ride, it was also horrifying.  gathering that first morning, with the rest of our group, she played off my lack of sleep and inability to eat as evidence that there was something “wrong” with me.  she claimed not to know why i was so exhausted or why i couldn’t hold down food, and i could barely talk about what happened, not capable of understanding the scene myself.  so, i looked like a crazy person, and she looked like a victim.  classic abuser move.  classic narcissist.  possible borderline.  definite cluster-B personality disorder.

anyway, I CAN’T WAIT FOR THE VERMONT CHALLENGE!  “hill killer kathleen” and i plan to ride the longest route… every day.  the jersey this year?  it looks terrific!  did i already mention… I CAN’T WAIT!  this do-over… i just can’t wait.

vermont challenge… check it out.  go.  go now!  do it!  😀

Cyclist Halloween Costumes

Halloween is just 1 month and 1 week away!  There has to be a way to incorporate my bike into a costume!

Some ideas I found while trolling the internet:


Surely, Elliot and ET make a great costume.


There are cycling suits inspired by Peewee Herman…

LS SkinsuitPEEWEE(Front)_web

Or… I could go for another crash… trying to fashion


a Headless Horseman costume.

There have to be other good ideas for incorporating bikes and cycling into this holiday.  There’s so little time left.  I almost feel anxious!  Have many other cyclists incorporated their bikes with their costumes???

Sorta Successful Ride?

First… the cycling community is amazing.  My buddy and I decided to fix our meeting spot at a Velodrome lot.  There, an outfitted team was prepping for what looked like a serious ride.  They were circling the lot, getting in warm-ups and doing last minute equipment checks.  I was riding along with them, albeit with much less skill and smoothness.  Also, my chain was giving me trouble, skipping pretty wildly.  I put up with the skipping during Saturday’s ride, but knew I probably wasn’t going to hang well.  Also, I worried I’d break something.  Bailing crossed my mind, and then…  a random cyclist from the “Cat 1” group heard my chain jump and offered to help.  He propped it on a stand and “fiddled” with it… and VOILA!  Fixed!  😀

Now… the ride…

Seriously, I love cycling.  However, I also love eating.  I’m a food addict with a cycling problem.

On our attempted 50+ mi Sunday route, we were temporarily derailed by a cute little cafe!  There were about 20-some bikes propped against the walls of an adorable little historic building rehabbed into a breakfast-serving coffee-pushing cafe.  We **had** to break for a peek inside, especially counting the number of other cyclists enjoying sandwiches and cups of liquid joy on a shaded patio adjoining the cafe.  Who knew?!  So, we rode 20-mi and stopped… for food.  I had a croissant and a cheese omelet with coffee.  My riding buddy had coffee and a crumbly muffin that looked like heaven.

Back on our bikes… we basked in the fall air and the happiness that comes with satisfied bellies.  Even killer hills seemed sweet.  Hills are AWESOME!!!  The steeper… the better.  The harder… the better.  Hills taste GREAT!  But, I digress.  With about 10-miles under our wheels, we passed a former gas station turned handmade donut shop.  We **had** to break for a peek inside, especially as the scent of fresh-baked goodies filled the air.

We managed another 15-miles before realizing it was soon lunchtime.  We broke for lunch.

OMG!  I think we need a chaperone.  My buddy and I can’t be trusted to use the emergency money in our seat bags for **serious emergencies.**  And, really… croissants, omelets, donuts, and coffee are not emergencies.  Well, not **serious** emergencies, at least.

Still we managed 45-mi with an average of 15-mph.  Also, “Thank You” to the cyclist who took pity on a noob, and who fixed my gears so I could enjoy a day on the road.  Can’t wait for the next one!

Cycling Weirdness and Other Stuff

So, my buddy and I ventured out today with the intent to do 60 and only made it 25.  o_O


Because, on the main highway to our meeting place there was a massive accident at a point where there was no shoulder and no turnoff for miles.  I managed to dodge it and exit before getting stuck in the standstill, but this meant circling the city and doubling back to a different road, adding 20 minutes to my travel time.  I was late to the meetup, which ate into ride time.

Then… we pulled out and made it 2 miles before my front tire blew.  I changed the tire, but I’m not great at it.  So, she rode and I hobbled to a cycling shop another 2 miles away.  What Fortune!  That there’s a shop along our route!  The mechanic checked my tire and refilled it with air.  We were on our way, but set back a full hour with those first three “adventures” (the accident, the flat, and the checkup).

Then… I spent the best part of our ride fighting with a chain that wouldn’t maintain gear.  We’d hit a hill… and that thing was all over the place.  I don’t know what to do in that instance, so I rode on… dealing with the jumping and figuring it could be a game… trying to keep the cadence meter at 90 despite being shifted straight up and down the cassette.  It was taxing, and I cringed every time the chain jumped.  How nerve wracking.

We made it out to our turn-around, took a quick potty run and refilled our water bottles.  Then, we hit the road.

On our return, I convinced my riding buddy to take a different route.  We pedaled a long uphill through a busy town and it started to drizzle.  So, we cut our ride short…

Except we didn’t.

Along the route… I watched a kitten have two near hits with oncoming cars.  Then, I almost pedaled over it.  So… we stopped.  The kitten was easily scooped into my arms, and once there… I realized how emaciated and dehydrated the thing was.  I couldn’t leave it behind, despite Star Trek’s “Prime Directive.”  My cycling buddy rode ahead for her car and I stayed behind with the kitten.  It fell asleep quickly in my arms.

Then, I noticed an ENORMOUS Turkey Vulture swooping overhead.  The kitten was mewling and my blood ran cold.  That bird swooped near us and then rose to land atop a phone pole immediately across the street from where I stood.  I’d **swear** it’s wingspan was **at least** 5 feet.  It looked easily 3 feet long in body.  And, I’d have put it at or around at least 5-lbs.  There’s no way I’d have “won” in a fight with that thing’s beak, so I started talking loudly to myself… and walking very fast.  As I walked… the kitten stopped making noise.  Wanting to get far from the Turkey Vulture quickly, I hopped on my bike… and tried to pedal while steering with one hand and holding the kitten with the other.  Sad.

So… you know I fell.  I not only ripped up my ankles and calves… but I also found what had to be the **only** Poison Ivy patch on the side of the road.  *groans*  The kitten?  Completely unscathed… as I tucked myself… and gingerly cradled her in the fall.  What a do

After about a mile… I quit walking.  I stood around on a country corner and waited.

You have no idea how happy I was to see my buddy’s car.

Back to our meeting spot.  I racked my sad and hurt bike.  I “tossed” the kitten in the passenger seat.  And, I headed to my dog’s vet for an after-hours emergency visit.


(Kitten, pictured aside the bar I didn’t get to eat on the ride we didn’t get to finish.  Yes.  She’s the size of a “candy” bar.)

$300 later… the kitten is fine.  She’s approximately 2-mos.  She weighs 1-lb.  She’s emaciated and dehydrated.  She was fed and given sub-cu fluids while we waited for an FIV and FeLV blood test.  She’s negative on both counts.  Aside from ear mites and a precautionary de-worming, the Tortoise-colored kitten is in good shape.  Now, she needs a home… and I don’t mean this home.

Tomorrow… my cycling buddy and I are trying once more for 60-mi.  I’ll check the traffic report before I leave so I’m aware of potential road blocks.  The forecast is clear, so we shouldn’t be cut short by rain.  I’m taking a backup bike… that doesn’t jump.  And, we are NOT RESCUING any animals.

Even so… maybe you can wish us luck?


I Love My Bike and Thanksgiving

By yesterday all the soreness of Sunday’s surprise 75-mile “jaunt” was gone.  My bike called.  I couldn’t help but answer.  Before hitting the gym for a weight session, I offered a “quick” 20 to the Cycling God.  After 75-miles… 20 felt kind of… flat.  Kind of… short.  *sighs*  Still, it was a wonderful way to start the day.

So, there’s this thing…

The Pittsburgh Dirty Dozen.

The video is long, but every time I open it… I’m sucked in for all of it’s 27 minutes.  Even seeing it at least 12-dozen times, I still watch it like it’s new.

So here’s the goal.  After I do an official Century… I want to travel to Pittsburgh as a spectator for the Dirty Dozen.  Then, one day… I’m going to try the Dirty Dozen.  The cyclists in the video shouldn’t be the only ones having that kind of AWESOME FUN!

Hills?  They’re gifts from the Cycling God to make riders stronger!

My Crotch is on Fire

Yup… I rode 75 miles yesterday.  First time EVER!  In fact, it was also just the second time I’ve been on a bike in 2 months.  Prior, my lengthiest ride was 30 miles.


It’s official.  I’m insane.

What’s the insurance code for that?

Kidding.  🙂

I know “insane” is a legal term, not a therapeutic term.  Still….

But, really… I started only with the intent to ride between 30 – 40 miles.  Forty was accomplished easily, with a group break at one end and the enjoyment of some sweet downhills in the middle.  When I got back to the start point parking lot, it was exactly 1:30 pm and a group of women were setting up for a different club ride.  One of them asked if I was a show for their group.  I asked how far they intended to go.  The leader said, “30 miles.”  i said, “Meh.  Why not?”

So… I went.

on the way… I crossed paths with a mangy fox that stared me down until I turned away and rode in the opposite direction (subsequently losing the group for some time).

After the fox “incident”, a bit further into the ride… a blue heron followed overhead.

I nearly rode into oncoming traffic in an attempt (successful) to avoid running over a live and skittish chipmunk that charged my front tire.

I ran out of water.

I ran out of sugar/food.

I learned the meaning of the word “bonk.”

At one point the group leader called “left” but went right.  I was so far back that I didn’t hear the verbal direction, but was mindful of her tire direction.  One other member in the group did turn left, which… was timely… as we then ran into one another.  My first cycling accident.  Thankfully, no one was hurt and the bikes were fine.

I got really lost… like… dropped and turned-on-my-phone-gps-to-find-my-way-back alone-lost, adding 5 extra miles to the group 30 before the leader managed to figure out (no idea how) where i was.  She “swept” me back, thank goodness.

Really… the ride leader was tremendously gracious.  I was fully ready to find my way back without the group, but it was fortune that she found me.  I’d probably still be out there without her help.  She gave me her water bottle and shared an energy bar after I bonked.  Even then, on mild inclines, my odometer was only registering speeds of 4 and 5 mph, despite feeling like I was pedaling as fast as I do to 20 and 30 mph on flats!  Grueling.  Pretty much, I owe that ride leader a kidney… or… something.

So… there’s that…

BUT!  Apparently I **can** finish 75 miles in a day, which bodes well participating in long-distance charity rides and the possibility of a century in this lifetime!  🙂  Though, if I don’t post anything over the next week… I wonder if someone might check the obituaries.  I might be there.  Ha!

Today, my only intent is to allow my knees and crotch to recover from yesterday’s ride.  Cheers to all of you who will attempt 75 miles or who do it regularly, and to those who will attempt more or who to more regularly… NA ZDROWIE!

Oh… one more thing.  :-/  I have no proof of my double ride or the 75 miles, the time, or the average speed.  I rested on my computer after finishing and before packing the bike on the rack; it reset.  😦  F-A-I-L!  **dies inside… twice**