Bridgestone RB-1

it’s hard to pretend that i’m not hurt by lack of miles or loss of habit.  BUT!  i recognize… i’m not out of the game, despite my “sour grapes” attitude and behavior of late.

it wasn’t until i looked at the clock a few minutes ago, reading “12:38,” that i realized… i’ve been online, looking at Bridgestone RB-1 sale ads since about 9:30.  THREE HOURS that i could have been and should have been RIDING, spent searching for a “unicorn” bicycle.

when one of these comes up in a 53…


i’ll be on it.  well… i’ll be on it if the thing doesn’t look like it’s been ridden or thrown off the top floor of a skyscraper.  a lot of them are in pristine shape, mind you.  others… i’ve wondered if the owner felt hatred or a personal vendetta against bicycles for the way they’re kept.

if i could truly pick my next bike… it would be…


the ultegra-8, in yellow.  throw on some white, black, or yellow speedplay, and i’d worship that for a few hot minutes.

there’s an entry-level bridgestone in my “stable.”  my dad bought it for me in 1984… maybe ’95, but i’ve wanted an RB-1 for years.  not sure what sparked the want, or even how or why i came to know about RB-1.  someday…


I love Cycling and my Bicycle, so I pray.

*clears throat*

hail Bicycle, full of grace,

the Tour spirit is with thee.

Blessed art thou amongst vehicles,

and blessed is the fruit of thy dear, Cyclist.

Holy Bicycle, beloved of Cyclists,

pray for us pedalers,

now and that the hour of harsh headwinds.


(you catholics, present and recovering, should understand that one.)    😉


did i mention, after an amazing inaugural year in 2014 and a FANTASTIC full season last year, i committed to a custom-made titanium build for this year?  yeah.  CAN’T WAIT!  june.  delivery is slated for june.  next up:  a collection of ersatz models from the 80s and 90s.  i can’t wait to get my hands on a yellow 1992 bridestone RB-1 (with original ultegra, if lightly used, for the sake of having the parts) and a 1988 panasonic DX 5000 with tange prestige tubing.  *insert HUGE cheesy smile*  those are my starter ersatz collection pieces.  i’d pimp them out with dura-ace like nobody’s business.


meanwhile, i went out TWO DAYS IN A ROW and made sweet “love” to the road on my “entry-level” bicycle.  yesterday killed me dead.  today buried me.  and, i CAN’T WAIT to go again tomorrow!

also, not that anyone asked, but two personal goals for this season include breaking my pedal PGH metric average speed and to be present for the dirty dozen as a spectator.

finally, the BEST thing going on in my laundry basket right now is the “pile” of filthy kits.  yeah.  good stuff, indeed.

Marriage… And, of course, BIKES!

Forty-six years after the country’s brouhaha over interracial marriage, with Loving v. Virginia (1967), SCOTUS ruled that a ban on same-sex marriage is not Constitutional (2013).

So, after almost 20 years together… we filed for a marriage license.  Seriously, I didn’t expect to have this opportunity in my lifetime.  And, I fully believed I’d go to my grave without permission to do so.  I still don’t believe I’ll live to see the day when marriage is afforded to all adults equally across the United State.  But, Super Partner Woman and I are taking what we can get right now.


We’re not telling anyone.  We’re just doing it.  No family.  No friends or acquaintances.  No rings.  No party.  Nothing.  Just us.  Well, us… and this record of the day in my online diary/blog.

I’m thinking now of the politician who allegedly said, “I swore on the Bible to uphold the Constitution.  I did NOT swear on the Constitution to uphold the Bible,” before stating his support for GLBT equal rights.  Not “more rights”, just “equal rights”… the “same rights.”

Wonders never cease.

AND!  I’m ready for winter trail riding!  My old tank came back from the shop today.  Road tires off… nubbies on.  Drops off… flats on.  I’m not yet doing anything about the stem shifters or the pedals, but… this should serve for some extreme fun when the regular roads are bad but the trails beckon.


And, yes.  Those are reflectors on that bike.  There’s also a kickstand on it.  I like them… for shits and giggles.  The Specialized Dolce… has neither.

Cycling, Trainers, and Cats

When I first started cycling, it was January.  It was cold.  Actually, it was *freezing!*  I showed up to my first ride with the retiree group carrying a 30-year-old Bridgestone (a “10-speed” with just 2 working gears), driving a 15-year-old pine-sap-stained beater, wearing ski pants.  Not one of the old guys in the retiree group batted an eye.  The most that was said?  “Soooooo… you like skiing?”  🙂

And, we took off.

And, I kept up.

Back then I was a “masher”,  weighing 20 lbs more than I do now, riding a 30-some lb steel frame bike from the 80s, loaded with 5 lbs of needless gear, bundled in puffy pants.  I was a sight.  But, that ride was the best ride ever.  From the old guys to the route, the feeling of flying down hills, and the struggle up hills, it was all fantastic.

I rode that 30-some-year-old Bridgestone until the end of May, for four months.  When I transitioned to a Specialized Dolce, it was like the heavens opened and choirs of angels sang just for me.  My first ride on that thing… was incredible.  Not only had I lost 20 lbs of me… but my bike lost 15 lbs.  Downhills weren’t discernibly different, but flats were firepower packed and hills were cake!

The retired guys suggested that I join the “main club”, of which they were a “social division”, and I did.  At the inital “main club” meet, I did really well for the first half of the ride.  Then, midway, a woman suggested that my seat was too high, and she strong-armed me at a stop sign, saying she *had* to lower my seat.  Mind you, I recognized the woman from a doctor’s office and (mistakenly) thought she was trustworthy, that she was trying to help me.  Also, she claimed to be a multi-year cyclist, and I *assumed* she knew what she was doing.  Instead, she lowered my seat so much that I was pedaling with bent knees.  And, it wasn’t until she lowered my seat that I noticed hers was in an almost regular-chair position for her knees, too.  At the very next stop, legs aching and knees stinging, I took out my own tool and raised my seat.  Unfortunately, I couldn’t find the original position, and the remainder of the ride was a bust.  I not-so-fondly remember this as my own “Dumbest moment in cycling.”

On that ride, I learned:

— Unless the person is my own, chosen-shop mechanic, no one touches my bike.

— Mark stems once the mechanic makes placements… just in case.

— Pay attention to other people’s riding styles and their bikes, not for comparison, but for familiarity.  If a person is far from my own style and comfort zone, and little of what they’re doing looks appealing or appropriate, trust my gut.  If that same person attempts to “school” me, smile nicely then “grab my purse and run.”

For the past two months, I found other things to do, not wanting to ride with the “old” group for various reasons other than someone messing with my seat.  Even as my new bike called to me from the trainer, I denied it.

Speaking of trainers, lemme tell ya!  The human kind, not the bicycle “stand” kind… I’ve heard people sing the praises of trainers, but I didn’t see the point.  I figured, I can do bench presses, goblet squats, and some leg presses, on my own.  At least, that’s what I thought.

For the past two months, after working with a trainer twice a week for an hour at a time, my hip flexors, quads, and knees are in the best shape!  Even as a kid 20-something, a crusty 30-something, I didn’t have the kind of development or power in my lower chain.  Imagine how that translates to cycling!

This past weekend, my first ride out, after two months benched, I was able to not only keep up, but I was able to “race” with the strongest riders in the “new” group when we hit flats and took hills.

Shortly, I’m off to another hour with my trainer.  I love that guy.


This cat isn’t mine.  He lives here as do I, but his “mother” is my partner.  She’s away on business this week, and he’s desperately seeking comfort.  This means, I’m sorta-kinda alright for snuggling…


and hand holding…

darcy 2

but… he’s spending an inordinate amount of time sleeping in his mother’s chair…


and lying about in her laundry basket…


and, as much as she would deny that this is love…

for little pochemuchka… this is love.